In a video game you being with no idea of how to play. You know how to use the controller, but level by level you learn new rules and button combinations that are useful in new and different situations presented to you in a logical way that leads you to quickly master a game. It all happens very quickly. Within two hours of playing a game you can become familiar with it and the more familiar you are with it, the more you enjoy it.
My problem is then with applying this video game mentality to real life. Net Gen students raised on technology can accelerate through many of the normal road blocks of education, and can learn the software needed to solve a problem more efficiently than those who are teaching. But the students need the problems laid out like a video game. Setting little goals along the way to gain minor skills until a point is reached where the student is comfortable with the game and can explore the harder levels.
I don't believe that there is true creativity within the gaming world. The creativity is in the side dishes served with the video game, but not contained within it. You can choose your name, you can choose who you play with, what you play and when you play. But once you are playing you are governed by a long list of rules that does not allow for much room to create. This is my problem with linking it to school, academia, research, or learning. Net Gen learners within the modern constraints are not allowed the room to explore and apply understanding to problems in their neighborhood, state, or country. Without this understanding of how actions change surroundings, everything becomes theoretical and one sided.
The net gen learners have always been catered to and are used to being told what to do, how to do it, why to do it, and when it needs to be done. What happens when the directives are not so clearly laid out?